Thursday, January 30, 2020

Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Essay During the first scene of the play we are introduced to several character and the setting for the play. The story is set in the Italian city of Verona. Italy was regarded as a wealthy and romantic country where extravagant love affairs took place. Verona is a town that was popular with the rich and classical civilisation. This makes Verona an ideal setting for the tragic romance. The play was written in the 16th Century (1595) and is about forbidden love. A pair of star crossed lovers, find themselves facing death due to their feuding families. We are introduced to two different families with one major thing in common. They despise the other family. Both families will go to extreme lengths to out do the other. They will do anything from biting their thumb at each other, to fighting to the death. Both families take any opportunity to hurt/ destroy the other family. Sampson and Gregory, Capulet servants, are roaming Verona looking for trouble. Well not carry coals. They come across Abraham and another servant from the Montague household. A fight breaks out; Benvolio one of the Montague family tries to stop the fight (part fools). Matters are made worst as Tybalt a Capulet arrives and sets on Benvolio. Talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. The fighting threatens to get out of hand as Lord and Lady Capulet and Montague arrive on the scene. Prince Escalus arrives and orders the families to stop or they will suffer a grave penalty. They are told to throw their mistempered weapons to the ground. The Capulets are ordered to leave. Lady Montague finds out from Benvolio what had happened and expressed her pleasure that Romeo was not there. Benvolio describes Romeos recent strange behaviour and general sadness to Lord Montague. Benvolio discovers that Romeo is in love but that the women he loves has resolved to do nothing with men. Benvolio suggests that Romeo should forget her and examine other beauties. Romeo assures him this is impossible. At the beginning of the scene Romeo is noticeably absent. We discover he is suffering from love sickness, the object of his unanswered devotions being Rosaline. This was the reason why Romeos fit of depression was brought on. He is adamant that there is no other woman for him. This accounts for the confusion that we see in his conversation with Benvolio. His speech is crammed with oxymorons and contradictions as he struggles to make sense of his predicament. Romeos love sounds very artificial, its not true its almost as though he is over reacting and being too false. He is acting very emotionally and in the opposite way to what a respectable young man should act. We first see Benvolio in the market place trying to stop the fight. This shows Benvolio is the opposite of Tybalt and does not want to start a fight. Benvolio is a close and sensitive friend to Romeo able to judge his affections with his own. His response to Romeos dilemma is sympathetic and practical, forget to think of her. He addresses Romeos situation in a very masculine way. He tells Romeo to forget her and examine other beauties. In contrast to Benvolio, Tybalt is hot tempered, vindictive and aggressive. He appears first when Benvolio is endeavouring to separate the aggressive parties. He goes for his sword rejecting Benvolios plea to keep the peace. His response sums up all you need to know about his part in the play: What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. He is obliged to withdraw by the entry and strong words of the Prince but his seething hatred for the Montagues are not eased. Tybalts first appearance establishes him as one who enjoys a fight and will never back down to a fight. Lord Capulets first appearance is him rushing in wearing a night gown calling for his long sword to join the fight. This shows him to be a comic figure in the play (Shakespeare wanted his plays to be humorous and make the audience laugh and jeer) especially when his wife remarks he would be better off with a crutch. The Prince Escalus is a victim of circumstance; he is always just too late to do anything. He is plainly angered by the families feud yet lacks the strength to reconcile their differences. After the third civil brawl the prince threatens Capulet and Montague with their lives. The prince has no real power in the city and finds it hard to stop the families fighting. The families are becoming a major problem in the city and are disturbing everyday life, and injuring innocent people. So far in the play we have been introduced to two rival families. Whose goals are to become the most important family in Verona and destroy the other family. The first family being the Montagues (Lord Montague, Lady Montague. Romeo, Abraham, Balthasar and Benvolio) and the other the Capulets (Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, Juliet, Sampson, Gregory and Tybalt).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Why Feng Shui? Essay -- Philosophy

The word Feng Shui (fung shway) literally means wind and water in Chinese. These major energy sources underlie the belief that environmental factors influence people greatly and this is the basis of Feng Shui. The bagua chart indicates how elements, directions and aspects of life can be of influence. There is a wealth of information on the subject from practitioners and journalists that prove the benefits of Feng Shui. Disbelievers that began to practice it brought great prosperity and luck into their lives leading them to become advocates of the practice. Therefore, it stands to reason that though there is a counter argument against the argument that Feng Shui is hugely beneficial; it is disproven by successful business people, converts and journalists. Business tycoons, financial institutions, architects, offices and homeowners use Feng Shui principles. Many highly successful and intelligent people spend time and money incorporating this ancient art, and yet there are the skeptics that attempt to prove it to be a waste of time. Feng Shui is now a global phenomenon it brings wealth and well-being, yet it is surrounded with skepticism; even the skeptics eventually change when they are deluged with its benefits. Feng Shui is an ancient art which originated in Asia thousands of years ago. It is based on the bagua chart which gives readings and decides on the best actions to take when designing buildings or arranging furniture in the interior of a building. The chart is based on the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text that includes ancient cosmic principles and divination methods. There are eight directions on the chart, which give instructions on what the practitioner should do to manifest good energy, and attract the desired outcomes... ...nne. "Feng shui puts your furniture and your life in order." The Wall Street Journal (1996): 12. Proquest. 9 Apr. 2012 . Lagatree, Kirsten. "Ancient chinese wisdom for the modern workplace." Training and Development 51.1 (1997): 26-29. Proquest. 9 Apr. 2012 . Weltman, Barbara and Michael, Hayes. "Feng Shui for Beginners." Journal of Accountancy 200.6 (2005): 36-39. Proquest. 9 Apr. 2012 . Asis-Leif Designs. 2001/2012. 6 May 2012 2012. 6 May 2012

Monday, January 13, 2020

Outline for Adhd

I. What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- a common behavior disorder that affects one in 15-20 school-age children. Boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with it than girls, but there is no clear reason yet why more boys than girls are diagnosed with it. It is broken down into three subtypes: an inattentive type, with signs that include: * inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork or other activities * difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities * apparent listening problems * difficulty following instructions * problems with organization avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort * tendency to lose things like toys, notebooks, or homework * distractibility * forgetfulness in daily activities 2. a hyperactive-impulsive type, with signs that include: * fidgeting or squirming * difficulty remaining seated * excessive running or climbing * difficulty playing quietly * always see ming to be â€Å"on the go† * excessive talking * blurting out answers before hearing the full question * difficulty waiting for a turn or in line * problems with interrupting or intruding 3. a combined type, which involves a combination of the other two types and is the most common A. Symptoms: impulsive, hyperactive, short attention span, trouble focusing, symptoms are present over a long period of time and occur in different settings, problems finishing tasks, disorganized, trouble following directions, easily distracted, appear forgetful or careless and frequently misplace things. 1. Explain similarities/differences of ADD and ADHD: Similarities: attention span is short, trouble controlling their behavior without medication and behavioral therapy, appear bored. Differences: ADD- attention deficit without hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD- includes hyperactivity and impulsiveness. . ex of characteristics in boys: hyperactive/impulsive behavior, rough behavior b. ex of characteristics in girls: inattentive, forgetful, hyper-talkative, emotional hyper-reactive c. why it is harder to spot ADD/ADHD in girls than boys: girls are harder to spot because the criteria for spotting ADHD includes external behavioral characteristics such as aggression, defiance, and other behavioral management problems, which are more common in boys than in girls. Girls with ADHD tend to be shy, socially isolate themselves, driven or anxious, or over-focused on their studies B. How is ADHD diagnosed? There is no test that can determine whether a child has ADHD or not, just a complete evaluation. A primary care physician or the family pediatrician usually prescribes medication in the lowest dose form and does medication checks every month to see if the current dose is helping or if an increase is needed. Most of the time if there is no change at the current dose being taken, the physician increases the dose each month until adverse side effects start to be seen in the child, than a decrease in dosage happens until changes for the benefit of the child are noticed by the parent and the teachers. If there is any doubt a referral to a child psychologist or psychiatrist may be needed for further evaluation. To be considered for a diagnosis of ADHD: * a child must display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7 * these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age * the behaviors must last for at least 6 months * the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a child's life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships). The physician does a complete physical exam to rule out any other medical problems. 1. Adult Observations: Parents are asked to fill out a behavioral evaluation form that contains different behaviors in different settings and the strengths and weaknesses of their child. If there is a day-care provider, teacher, or any other family member or friend who spends time with the child evaluations are sent to them. The physician looks over all the completed evaluation, and then talks it over with an approved child psychologist with the permission of the parent, and then the physician, psychologist, parent and child all come together and talk about possible treatment options. a. Teachers – even HS teachers need to be aware of it nd/or learn how to spot it in high-schoolers and even other ages of children. ADHD can go undiagnosed for years. Some kids outgrow it others struggle with it even into high-school and through adulthood. b. Medical Examination II. What causes ADHD? It has biological origins that aren’t quite understood. There isn’t a single cause but researches are looking at a combination of factors such as genetics, environmental, chemical imbalances in the brain. II. How is ADHD treated? Can’t be cured but can be successfully managed. III. Stimulants are the best-known treatments — they've been used for more than 50 years in the treatment of ADHD. Some require several doses per day, each lasting about 4 hours; some last up to 12 hours. Possible side effects include decreased appetite, stomachache, irritability, and insomnia. There's currently no evidence of long-term side effects. IV. Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. These appear to have fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours. V. Antidepressants are sometimes a treatment option; however, in 2004 the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that these drugs may lead to a rare increased risk of suicide in children and teens. If an antidepressant is recommended for your child, be sure to discuss these risks with your doctor. Medications can affect kids differently, and a child may respond well to one but not another. When determining the correct treatment, the doctor might try various medications in various doses, especially if your child is being treated for ADHD along with another disorder. A. Medication 1. Medication can be very beneficial a. All kids should have the option of being treated because it can significantly help their ability to focus/concentrate and reach their full potential B. Types of Medication 1. Stimulants a. benefits b. negative aspects . Non Stim/Herbal Remedies a. benefits b. negative aspects 3. Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral Therapy Research has shown that medications used to help curb impulsive behavior and attention difficulties are more effective when combined with behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy attempts to change behavior patterns by: * reorganizing a child's home and school environment * giving clear directions and commands * setting up a system of consistent rewards for appropriate behaviors and negative consequences for inappropriate ones Here are examples of behavioral strategies that may help a child with ADHD: * Create a routine. Try to follow the same schedule every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Post the schedule in a prominent place, so your child can see what's expected throughout the day and when it's time for homework, play, and chores. * Get organized. Put schoolbags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so your child will be less likely to lose them. * Avoid distractions. Turn off the TV, radio, and computer games, especially when your child is doing homework. * Limit choices. Offer a choice between two things (this outfit, meal, toy, etc. , or that one) so that your child isn't overwhelmed and overstimulated. Change your interactions with your child. Instead of long-winded explanations and cajoling, use clear, brief directions to remind your child of responsibilities. * Use goals and rewards. Use a chart to list goals and track positive behaviors, then reward your child's efforts. Be sure the goals are realistic (think baby steps rather than overnight success). * Discipline effectively. Instead of yelling or spanking, use timeouts or removal of privileges as consequences for inappropriate behavior. Younger kids may simply need to be distracted or ignored until they display better behavior. * Help your child discover a talent. All kids need to experience success to feel good about themselves. Finding out what your child does well — whether it's sports, art, or music — can boost social skills and self-esteem. a. benefits b. negative aspects Alternative Treatments Currently, the only ADHD therapies that have been proven effective in scientific studies are medications and behavioral therapy. But your doctor may recommend additional treatments and interventions depending on your child's symptoms and needs. Some kids with ADHD, for example, may also need special educational interventions such as tutoring, occupational therapy, etc. Every child's needs are different. A number of other alternative therapies are promoted and tried by parents including: megavitamins, body treatments, diet manipulation, allergy treatment, chiropractic treatment, attention training, visual training, and traditional one-on-one â€Å"talking† psychotherapy. However, scientific research has not found them to be effective, and most have not been studied carefully, if at all. Parents should always be wary of any therapy that promises an ADHD â€Å"cure. † If you're interested in trying something new, speak with your doctor first. Parent Training Parenting a child with ADHD often brings special challenges. Kids with ADHD may not respond well to typical parenting practices. Also, because ADHD tends to run in families, parents may also have some problems with organization and consistency themselves and need active coaching to help learn these skills. Experts recommend parent education and support groups to help family members accept the diagnosis and to teach them how to help kids organize their environment, develop problem-solving skills, and cope with frustrations. Training can also teach parents to respond appropriately to a child's most trying behaviors with calm disciplining techniques. Individual or family counseling can also be helpful. ADHD in the Classroom As your child's most important advocate, you should become familiar with your child's medical, legal, and educational rights. Kids with ADHD are eligible for special services or accommodations at school under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and an anti-discrimination law known as Section 504. Keep in touch with teachers and school officials to monitor your child's progress. In addition to using routines and a clear system of rewards, here are some other tips to share with teachers for classroom success: * Reduce seating distractions. Lessening distractions might be as simple as seating your child near the teacher instead of near the window. * Use a homework folder for parent-teacher communications. The teacher can include assignments and progress notes, and you can check to make sure all work is completed on time. * Break down assignments. Keep instructions clear and brief, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. * Give positive reinforcement. Always be on the lookout for positive behaviors. Ask the teacher to offer praise when your child stays seated, doesn't call out, or waits his or her turn instead of criticizing when he or she doesn't. Teach good study skills. Underlining, note taking, and reading out loud can help your child stay focused and retain information. * Supervise. Check that your child goes and comes from school with the correct books and materials. Sometimes kids are paired with a buddy to can help them stay on track. * Be sensitive to self-esteem issues. Ask the teacher to provide feedback to your child in private, and avoid asking your child to perform a task in public that might be too difficult. * Involve the school counselor or psychologist. He or she can help design behavioral programs to address specific problems in the classroom. Helping Your Child You're a stronger advocate for your child when you foster good partnerships with everyone involved in your child's treatment — that includes teachers, doctors, therapists, and even other family members. Take advantage of all the support and education that's available, and you'll help your child navigate toward success. Reviewed by: Richard S. Kingsley, MD Date reviewed: September 2008 Originally reviewed by: W. Douglas Tynan, PhD Back

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Targeted Exercise for Thighs and Butt Essay - 676 Words

Moderately Easy Things Youll Need Introduction Targeted exercise can tone and shape your buttocks. Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images Spot reducing fat from your thighs isnt possible. The only way to slim down flabby upper legs is by losing fat from your entire body. (See References 1) Diet and exercise can help create the caloric deficit thats needed to achieve this. hen your overall body fat reduces, your thighs will also budge. This doesnt mean that you have to settle for a flat, shapeless rear end. Sure, you might lose excess fat from your tush, but by doing targeted exercises, you can work your glutes, and maintain a shapely, toned rear end. Step 1 Aim for gradual weight loss at a weekly rate of 1 to 2 pounds. According to†¦show more content†¦Strength training stimulates muscle tissue throughout your entire body. Muscle tissue boost your resting metabolic rate, so you burn calories even when youre watching TV or sleeping. It also takes up less space than fat, and adds definition to your muscles, so when excess body fat reduces, youll have a slimmer, but toned physique. (See References 5) In addition to your legs and butt, also work your chest, back, abdomen, arms, and shoulders. Include exercises, such as bench presses, crunches, pushups, bent-over rows, and lat pull-downs. Step 5 Include targeted leg and butt exercises in your strength-training routine. Perform exercises that engage multiple joints and multiple muscles for optimal muscle stimulation and caloric burn. Do exercises, such as dead lifts, front and back squats, and wall squats. (See References 6) Also include step-ups, lunges, and hip extensions on all fours, which according to research by the American Council on Exercise, are some of the most effective exercises for your glutes. (See References 7) Tips During strength training, work your way up to finishing two to three sets of eight to 12 reps. Always use enough resistance so that you cant do another repetition with perfect form after finishing a set. (See References 3) Slowly increase the resistance as your muscles get stronger; always challenge yourself. Warnings Get your doctors consent before starting a diet or exercise regimen, especially if you have an injury or health condition,Show MoreRelatedSteps to Reducing Body Fat749 Words   |  3 Pageswomen often consider their rear end and thighs a problem area. Only doing targeted exercises, such as lunges and squats, to reduce the excess fat, isnt effective, because spot reducing fat isnt possible. (See References 1, p. 140) However, incorporating targeted exercises in a weight-loss routine, that includes a sensible diet, cardio and full-body strength training, can incur a caloric deficit that slims down your whole body including that undesired butt and leg fat. Step 1 Reduce your caloricRead MoreHow to Get Rid of Cellulite in a Safe and Easy Way Essay980 Words   |  4 Pagesfor a deficiency on it leads to dehydration and poor skin turgor. Drinking water 8-10 glasses a day is helpful enough in providing the body systems the needed daily fluid requirement. †¢ Exercise – being active and mobile is one way of trimming down fats that are stored on unlikely places. Thus, doing exercise helps in minimizing the appearance of cellulites especially the spots where the markings are much visible. †¢ Avoid UV exposure – the sun may give the needed nutrients in the body but longRead MoreA Kinesiological Analysis of the Barbell Squat1400 Words   |  22 Pagesto keep your knees over your toes at all times to stay inline. You also want to have Your heels directly under the bar. B. Application of force-first phase In a controlled manner slowly lower yourself (hips and butt first) down till knees and Hips form a 90 degree angle and thighs are parallel to floor. When desending it is important To keep back very slightly arched. C. Application of force-second phase (power phase) In this phase the most power is generated because the legs are pushing againstRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Text Copyright8931 Words   |  36 Pagespractices, implications, and so much more. According to studies there are several health benefits to an active sex life. For example, men who have sex at least twice a weak lower their risks of heart failure. Not to mention that sex is a very complete exercise to help you burn calories. The desire of sex makes the body release a series of hormones that makes us feel very comfortable and euphoric. It is also a good pain killer. Men and women who have frequent sex are happier than those that engage into